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Referee Informations and statistics
First Name:    Nathaniel
Last Name:    Hirschman
City:    Rockaway
State:    NJ
Country of birth:    UNITED STATES
Grade:    Grassroot Referee
Seasons: 19/20 |  20/21 |  21/22 |  22/23 |  23/24 |   
Date Division Home Team Final Score Away Team
  2019-10-06 08:15 AM   B NORTH DIVISION   MORRIS COUNTY FC   0:3   STRIKERS SC   8 ( 4 + 4 )   0 ( 0 + 0 )
Team Name No of Games No. of Wins No. of Ties No. of Losses
  MORRIS COUNTY FC   1   0   0   0   0   0
  STRIKERS SC   1   0   0   0   0   0
  Total Games:   1 ,       8 ( 4+4 )         0 ( 0+0 )